Monday, January 30, 2012

Sammie "Strip" Cover

I love this guy! He amazes me every time. & he has done it again. Tonight, It's Just A Mixtape singer, Sammie, dropped his cover for Chris Brown's very popular song Strip. And I must say Sammie has made it more popular in my eyes. He get's, shall I say, freaky with lines like "F that cute shxt girl I wanna fxck you" and "Ima pull your hair and choke you just a lil' bit, promise you gon' be diggin it"

This definitely receives my stamp of approval. Well just about everything he does gets that. lol. If you haven't heard it, please go give it a listen, you wont regret it. Just click the link below (:

Sammie "Strip" (Cover)

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Love & Hip-Hop or Love & Stupid

So, lets talk about the conversation between Emily and Chrissy. If you don't know Emily had a sit down with Chrissy to talk about the recent talk she had with Fabolous's former assistant Winter. Winter basically told her to go back with Fab and just deal with what he does. Let me address that one real quick. That was the worse advice anyone could give. No women should have to put up with the humiliation that Fab has put Emily through. To just out right be disrespectful like that, flaunting infidelities, it's not right and no woman should have to deal with that, whether their in the industry or not. So no Winter she should not get over it and go back to him.

Chrissy surprised me! During her conversation with Em, she basically told her as long as you don't feel it, see it, or hear it, your good. o_O 

Okay so your telling me that it's okay for me to be with a guy who is cheating on me as long as I don't see it happening, as long as he shows me enough love & affection to the point that I don't feel it happening, and as long as he keeps his sneaking around very low key to where the town doesn't know & I don't hear about it. Chrissy must have been sipping from the same crazy juice as Yandy & Kimbella. 

To be in a relationship like that, what are you telling the young girls who watch you every Monday night, what are you telling your daughters, what are you telling your sons. Not a positive message. Your not telling the guys out there that it's not okay to cheat and it's not okay to treat women like that. Your not telling the young girls who watch you and your daughters who look up to you to not take that kind of treatment, that your worth much more than that. 

Embrace being a strong independent women. I was always on Chrissy side but Yandy was right about one thing she makes her money, Chrissy sleeps with her money. Yandy shows that she has a job, Emily even has a job, Chrissy shows that she plays housewife and she backs Jim up in everything he does. My advice is never depend on a man, never be in that vulnerable situation where he holds that much power. It's okay to let guys do things for you or buy you a gift, what girls doesn't want to be treated like a princess. But be a independent princess. Stand on your own two feet while he chases every tail that goes by. When he's ready to settle down and if you still want to be with him then you can see what's there. But don't subject yourself to being in relationship where the man doesn't understand commitment and fidelity, it makes you look like a fool. 

But here is where I stop my rant. However, don't confuse my rant with it meaning women can't lean on men. Financial stability/support is a part of a relationship. I'm just saying if he left tomorrow would you be able to financially support yourself & your family? Also, I'm saying why promote men to do their dirt, just so you can remain his main & not his only. Ladies, don't settle for less, know what you want and go get it. Men do it so why not you. 

Monday, January 23, 2012

T.I. : Power & Beauty

T.I's recent book Power & Beauty: A Love Story of Life on the Streets was just amazing. I truly mean that. I kept thinking I need to put my Nook to use and read a good book & I happened to be watching T.I.'s show and the episode I was watching  he went and had a book signing for the book. So I went and bought it. I didn't want to put it down. The book splits between "Him" and "Her", you see the perspective of "Him", Power, from the time him and Beauty's mother dies up until he's 21. This goes the same with '"Her", Beauty, you get to see her perspective. In the "end" they tie together. I really didn't want to put it down. Every page was filled with excitement, with something new the main characters had to go through. All of these lessons, real life lessons, they learn from these extreme situations. T.I. plans to come release a continuation of the book so there will be a Power & Beauty 2, and I am too excited for that. According to Barnes & Noble, it won't be released unto July 2012, and I must say that is way too long for me to know how this drugs, sex, murder, drama & romance filled story ends.  

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Love & HipHop

  So who saw last night's episode? [raises hand] I did! Man oh man, is all I can say. If this show does not scream drama, I don't know what does. But I love it, lol. 

  For one, Yandy needs to realize she's in the wrong and when I was watching her talk to her mentor, Mona Scott-Young, it seemed like she wasn't listening to anything she was saying. Mona was a hundred and ten percent correct. Yandy crossed the line; that e-mail should have said "I resign", period. She was mixing business and pleasure, a complete no no. What kills me about the whole thing is she doesn't think she did anything wrong. But see the problem is in her head, Jim Jones is her brother and their "family", so she think she can say whatever and it's cool. At the end of the day she has to remember she's a manager and he's the client. When it comes to friendship things keep it on that level but when it comes to business keep it strictly business. She should not have mentioned anything personal in that e-mail. And she's telling Olivia stand up for what's right. That's not you booboo! Yes Chrissy personally is kind of boss like, where she tends to speak "it's my way or no way" but her feelings are validated in this situation. So that's a L for Yandy and a W for Chrissy. 

  But speaking of Olivia, all I can do is shake my head at this girl. She is way too mixy for me. She says she's stuck in the middle and she doesn't want to chose. That's fine, but it becomes a problem when your in Yandy's face like "Oh yeaah, your right, don't apologize anymore" then get in Chrissy face like "Yeaah girl, I feel you, she wrong". It's okay to be a common denominator between them but you also have to neutral. Don't play both sides, that's how feelings get hurt. Shame on you Olivia. Oh and I wasn't feeling too much on how she sort of snapped at Rich. He's been her number one fan, spending all he has to make her great. I have the up most respect for him to ride that aimlessly wandering train this long. I understand there are some risk in taking that 1.5 million deal and it's a long time commitment of three albums. But that's big money they are willing to invest in you. I would take it and stop acting like a diva. Just because you was the first lady of G-Unit does not make you Beyonce, sweetie. 

  Moving right along, this whole Kimbella and Erica beef. The only thing I have to say about that is why is Kimbella even trying with home girl. Erica say she didn't do anything for free, she worked to show that she wasn't one of those girls, but who really believes that. The way she behaves, I know she done got low, spread wide for someone. But that's just my opinion. But Kimbella is just feeding into Erica and giving her what she wants, attention. Kim has her man, her family, her umm career...if your good and you know the things she say are not true, then keep it moving. 

But watch Erica be a paid cast member next season, smh. She was the main one saying she doesn't do anything for free, so what do you call being on a show that your not getting paid for? 

Can't wait for next week episode though!

Monday, January 16, 2012

But Wait...Drizzy Drake!

Hol' up, hol' up...woah der! From the owl on his back you already know it's "Headlines" rapper, Drake. Before I speak on his tattoo's, I can say he is looking rather nice from the back. He's supposedly getting in shape for an upcoming tour. I hear that. But umm, those tattoo's though?? He should have been included in my #SoIKnowItsReal post. The Aaliyah tribute is a nice gesture, it's actually a really good tattoo, but why? It's things like this that made the girl with the Drake forehead tattoo think it was okay. Also, the tattoo's are just placed in awkward places on his back. Hmm, maybe he's going to do a collage on his back or something. But ummm, I don't know's just a bit too yummy for me. But to each his own. I guess, #YeezyShrug 

Photo via TheYBF

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Tat My Name or Face #SoIKnowItsReal

So we all know about the girl who tattoo'ed Drake's name on her forehead. Before I move on to the face part, I have to just say a few words on this. Why? I just don't understand what was going through her mind to do something like this. I would really like to know. Her's was a bit, a lot extreme being that it's her face and someone she doesn't know. But now we have people, e.g. Chris Brown, tatting faces on theirselves. 

So 'Strip' singer, Chris Brown, tatted his girlfriend, Karrueche Tran, face on his arm recently. I don't respect it, at all. I mean to each is his own, but there's too many "What Ifs" in life to do something like this. One what if being that they break up. I mean I hope they make it, their a cute couple. However, you wouldn't catch me tatting a name or a face on myself until we're married and 99 years old about to kick the bucket, then and only then will I know Its Real. So Chris Brown I hope in your mind and heart you made the right choice, because that's all the matter. But sheesh, her face though??

What do you think?
Photo via TheYBF & they received it via Karen Civil

Red Tails

Red Tails, a film about a crew of African American pilots in a Tuskegee training program, who have faced segregation are kept mostly on the ground, finally get the chance to fly under the command of Col. A.J. Bullard. This film is an all African American cast. I'm for one very excited to see this. 

The director of this movie, George Lucas, stated that it was difficult to receive funding for the movie. When he presented the movies to people to receive funding they said no, "We don't know how to market a movie like this". Which is pretty sad in my eyes, there have been plenty Tyler Perry movies that have been successful, so why not give this director a chance? Why is it so different to market a movie with a white cast rather than a black cast? 

So this movie will make a great impact for the black community that is involved in the entertainment business. Those same people who turned him down for funding will be the same people who will be looking at the box office when the movie hits theaters. I encourage everyone to go support this movie. If this movie does amazing it's first week out, this will mean a lot of positive things for African American actors/actresses. 

Here's a sneak peak of the movie:

And here's the interview with George Lucas:

Count me there when it hits theaters; How about you?

Video via YouTube and  USA Today
Story via TheYBF

Friday, January 13, 2012

Simply Complicated

I'm sure as I post this first post I have no followers lol. Which is okay, I know you all will find your way to me soon enough. I just wanted to give an introduction post.

Simplistically Complex is as I see what we as human beings are, as I see how this world is. Even in our simplest form there's a spec of complexity because we make things more complicated than it has to be even when we're trying to simplify things. I hope that makes sense. So the title of the blog is Simply Complicated because to simply put it life is complicated lol. Yes, I know that's a paradox, I specifically made sure the title was a paradox, for a personal reason. In my AP English class, I was known for my paradoxes, especially in one paper I wrote which was my highest grade in that class lol. That class was my favorite class in high school, I learned so much and I still carry it with me. 

This blog is focused on everything I love to talk about and hopefully things you'll enjoy to read about. Just my thoughts and hopefully your comments to interact with my thoughts. 

This is my first true blog, so bare with me and I hope you enjoy.